Made in 5 days for the

IMPORTANT: there is a little bug we couldn't fix in time. 

Please DON'T try to touch he items while they're moving to go to the bottom right, and DON'T spam the left mouse button on them. 

Thank you. 



It's the 1875.

A misterious illness is spreading. You, a mortician, fell ill too, as many others. Your time is running out and there might be only way to save yourself.

Perform the ritual to talk to the deceased.

They might want to help you. Or not.

This game has 3 possible endings. 

[Katabasis is an ancient greek word meaning the descent of the alive in the world of the dead.]

Please report any bugs, this was done in less than 5 days.


the drawings on the necronomicon are important but as you can see from the instruction sheet, the drawings are not in the right order. What allows you to perform the first ritual (there are 6 bodies) is to remove the right organ (see second page of the necronomicon) and insert the right object (see first page of the necronomicon)

- Art by @SINNA


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First things first, the art is astonishing! I really appreciated the small, intricate details in this great game. The tricky part involving the ingredients took me some effort, but it was worth it! 

Wow this is really great so far! Love the atmosphere and art.